Exciting Presentation

Your people will learn how to

  • manage stage fright
  • prepare professionally for a presentation
  • get the body under control on the stage
  • avoid people from being bored by their presentation
  • manage disturbances and unfriendly comments
  • get full attention from the audience within 10 seconds
Theory, Case Studies, Video Analysis
2 days
6 people max.

Effective Communication

Your people will learn how to

  • communicate in a way that their customers or colleagues understand them 100%
  • avoid misunderstandings in a discussion
  • avoid a “No” by a customer
  • manage big differences in opinion with a colleague or subordinate
  • convince people and even make them feel good about it
  • show leadership and solve (staff-)problems through effective communication
  • professionally criticize a subordinate
  • avoid de-motivation of a subordinate after being criticized by them
  • dismiss or fire somebody and give him/her still a good feeling
Theory, Case Studies, Video Analysis
2 days
6 people max.

Key Account Management

Your people will learn how to

  • focus on the right things during the day
  • answer any question from Management immediately
  • double the time with customer work
  • become a preferred supplier from the customer
  • facilitate their boss’s life
  • prepare better for Business Planning Meetings
  • improve forecasting & planning
Theory, Case Studies, Checklists
1 day
6 people max.

High Pressure Negotiation

Your people will learn how to

  • find out what is really important to their customer
  • make their customer seeing his benefits in their product
  • react properly, when a customer says: “No, I don’t need it!”
  • escape from price & margin negotiations
  • sell more without paying money
  • handle objections without letting the customer lose face
  • sell more (“upselling”) and at the same time give the customer a good feeling
  • get out of any ultimatum, like “if you don’t give me what I want, I will…”
  • find out, whether a customer plays tricks
  • get prepared more professionally for an important customer call
Theory, Case Studies, Video Analysis
2 days
6 people max.

Conceptual Selling

Your people will learn how to

  • launch a new brand without money
  • make the customer say: “Yes!”
  • communicatecomplex issues in a simple and understandable way
  • manage objections before they are even raised
  • make the customer think: “Whow, this really makes sense to me!”
  • make the customer do what they want – immediately
Theory, Case Studies
2 days
6 people max.

Category Management

Your people will learn how to

  • make their customer giving them instore-data for free
  • excite their customer thanks to their analysis and knowledge
  • become a true category captain at the customer
  • avoid paying money for aggressive proposals
  • significantly increase the customer’s category sales within 6 months
  • become a role model for the whole category
Theory, Case Studies, Video Analysis
2 days
8 people max.

Increasing Team Effectiveness

Your people will learn how to

  • increase the output of their team
  • become a great leader, well accepted by the team
  • make sure that everyone knows where the team is heading to
  • make each team member feel valued in the team
  • improve the team spirit
  • create a “line-of-one” with their team
  • really get to know what each team member thinks about them
  • reduce bad tensions and rumors in their team
  • survive in a subarctical region with their team after their plain crashed
Theory, Case Studies, Team Effectiveness Checklist
2 days
unlimited. The whole team.

Professional Coaching of a Team

Your people will learn  how to

  • increase the performance of their subordinates
  • save time and at the same time get the work done
  • coach their team to become highly effective managers
  • give power to their team without losing control
  • manage a lack of performance of a team member
  • solve delicate situations with a team member
Theory, Real life case studies, Video Analysis
2 days
6 people max.

Train the Trainer

Your People will learn how to

  • plan and prepare a training session and make it real
  • make a training interactive
  • run practical exercises in a training
  • bring the training to life and anecdotes
  • conduct realistic role-plays
  • vary the coaching style
  • manage difficult people in the course
  • apply the 77 rules of great trainers
Theory, Case Studies, Role Plays, Video-Analysis, Checklists
2 days
6 people max.