
About Johannes Linsbichler

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So far Johannes Linsbichler has created 10 blog entries.

We Are Blind and Don’t Even Realize

We Are Blind and Don’t Even Realize

How our delusion, hubris and prejudice limit us

Overconfidence. The two Economics Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky referred to the overconfidence effect. According to this, we simply overrate our abilities. 80% of all drivers consider themselves in the best 30% … 87% of Stanford University MBA students assess their academic achievements as above average… From a purely mathematical standpoint, this [...]

2018-05-01T14:58:13+02:00Mai 2018|

A Chain With Many Links

A Chain With Many Links

Why we simply don't LISTEN - LISTEN - LISTEN

Let's return to our initial question: Why is it so difficult to change our behaviour for the better and for the long term? We know our strengths, we know our weaknesses; we even know how we could ameliorate our weaknesses, because we are intelligent. If, after an inspiring and informative communication seminar, the challenge consists [...]

2018-02-02T17:45:42+02:00Februar 2018|

ME – Only Better

ME – Only Better

What Cicero, Plato, Goethe and Schopenhauer teach us about personal longing and yearning

Wednesday, 6:20pm, everyone is in a hurry — as if remote-controlled. Artificial light. Dry air. People coughing, sneezing, without consideration for others. No smile anywhere to be seen. Ambiance: none. Mood: at a low point. I keep hearing the same monotonous words: "Any liquids? Laptop? Tablet? Belt? Watch? Anything in your pockets?" "Last and final [...]

2018-02-02T17:02:33+02:00Dezember 2017|

Daniel Goleman: Social Intelligence - The New Science of Human Relationships

Social Intelligence

Social Intelligence

In 1997, Daniel Goleman published his book Emotional Intelligence, which launched that powerful concept. He followed it with several related books, such as Working with Emotional Intelligence. This book is the natural outgrowth of Goleman’s ongoing work, so it will be immediately appealing to anyone who found his earlier books useful. However, this volume also [...]

2017-11-01T17:28:36+02:00November 2017|

Donald T. Phillips: Lincoln On Leadership - Executive Strategies for Tough Times

Lincoln On Leadership

Lincoln On Leadership

Donald T. Phillips has written a solid and engaging book. It has been hailed by critics and leaders in business, sports, and every other arena as a common sense masterpiece of historical and character analysis. The book is divided into key lessons, each representing an aspect of President Abraham Lincoln’s leadership style, as revealed through [...]

2017-11-01T17:22:32+02:00November 2017|

What We Learn From Land-Mines

What We Learn From Land-Mines

Why leadership behavior that works a treat is not necessarily the right behavior and how to acquire new views on the business world.

  Continuation from previous post  About 'Sunshine-Empathisers' : "... With your conduct you destroyed value. You have (in the role play) invested ten years into this employee. Now he is gone! He will resign. He has to resign. That will cost your company more than 200,000 dollars including induction of a new employee. And you can [...]

2017-09-17T11:50:04+02:00Oktober 2017|

About ‚Sunshine-Empathisers‘

About ‚Sunshine-Empathisers‘

How a ‘nice leader’ turns into a PEOPLE HATER within two minutes only – and why – and what's the ‘counter poison’ to achieve great business results.

Continuation from previous post  "ABOUT LOVE & HATE" : ... I asked him what would happen if the employee declined, whether there were any other candidates that would be suitable for the project.  He replied: “No, I have to convince him. If he declines, I’m going to have a real problem.”  I played the employee… [...]

2017-09-03T11:46:05+02:00September 2017|

About Love & Hate

About Love & Hate

The brutal truth about why leaders behave like ‘people haters’ although they like and respect others.

Breakfast at the hotel — check the seminar venue — set up the equipment — wait for the participants — small talk — start of the workshop. The assignment: 'Effective Communication Training'. In other words: MAKE PEOPLE BE ‘HUMAN’ AGAIN At the beginning of the workshop, the focus is on the mindset required to even communicate [...]

2017-08-26T06:31:48+02:00August 2017|

Kenneth Blanchard & Sheldon Bowles: Gung Ho! How To Motivate People In Any Organization

Gung Ho! How To Motivate People In Any Organization

Gung Ho! How To Motivate People In Any Organization

Gung Ho by Ken Blanchard is essentially all about how to work together better. The theory comprises of three key elements. The Spirit of the Squirrel (doing worthwhile work). Likened to a Squirrel because they work with purpose and therefore dedication. It is about the understanding that what we do makes the world a better [...]

2017-08-21T17:08:43+02:00August 2017|